On March 4, 1993, 18 commercial banks established CJSC “Interbank Currency Exchange”. Its main activity was to organize trading in foreign currencies. The first trading was launched on March 24, 1993.
On September 24, 1996, the Interbank Currency Exchange was transformed into the State Institution of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus "Interbank Currency Exchange" in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of April 9, 1996 No. 139. Additionally, the exchange was assigned the functions of organizing trading in government securities of the Republic of Belarus.
On December 29, 1998, JSC “Belarusian Currency and Stock Exchange” (BCSE) was registered according to Presidential Decree of the Republic of Belarus No.366 as of 20.07.1998. Its authorized capital was formed at the expense of assets and liabilities of the State Institution of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus "Interbank Currency Exchange". BCSE became the organizer of trading in the main segments of the organized financial market of the Republic of Belarus (currency, derivatives, securities, and money market).
On March 7, 2016, BCSE was entitled to perform the National Forex Center (NFC) functions according to the executive order of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus and the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus No. 177/8 as of 04.03.2016.
Since July 18, 2017, BCSE has been included into the Council of owners of certifying nodes (Node Council) in accordance with Minutes No. 9-1/НОД. The Node Council defines for blockchain network functioning, including connecting order for new owners, connecting application tasks, technical requirements, tariffs on services, and other regulatory norms.